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Mark Mason

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A devastating split-second, invisible switch. Switch cards right before your spectator's eyes. 

20 years ago, a ground breaking switch hit the magic world that left magicians rubbing their eyes in disbelief. 
Mark Mason along with Mak Magic introduced Switch*A*Roo by Russel Niedzwiecki. It really was the talk of the magic world.

Over the last year, Chris Payne, Ian Fraser, and Mark Mason have totally redesigned this device to bring you the 
all-new SWITCH*A*TWO.

Remember this is A FULL VIEW switch. Switch cards in or out in a split second. It looks so fair. It's undetectable!

There is nothing to adapt or make, simply drop your Switch*A*Two into your jacket or shirt pocket. Magnetically lock it in place and start performing incredible moments of magic.

Openly switch single cards or multiple cards in the blink of an eye.
Seamlessly switch in gimmicked cards.
Clean up any packet trick. 
Visually change double-faced cards or double-backed cards.
Make signatures change places.
Visually print blank cards. 

Comes with online video tuition for 6 great routines.

Mark performs and teaches 3 of his favorite effects:

Jacks & Jokers.   Two Jacks and 2 Jokers magically change places, then they change into the 4 aces.

All the same to me.   A comedy prediction combined with a knockout punch.

Signed Transposition.  Two cards change places and so does the spectator's signature.

Chris Payne performs and teaches 2 routines:
Signed Cards Across.   A brilliant take on the classic cards across plot. (Highly recommended)

Open prediction.   A simple, direct approach to the open prediction effect, with a unique twist!

Derek Ostovani performs and teaches:

Imagination.  4 blank cards magically print, then the entire blank deck prints. 

Plus lots of tips and bonus ideas.

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Customer Reviews

  • Switch a two

    5 Stars

    Brilliant device people don’t have a clue.I remember Mark demonstrating the original Switcharoo device back in the day which I still have and use but Switch A Two is better.

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  • 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
    5 Stars

    Dear Mark,

    I cannot thank you enough for the Switch-A-Two device. It is absolutely fantastic! I have been using it in my Zoom programs and it has completely baffled my audiences. You are a GENIUS!

    Your friend,
    David Goldman

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